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The vision of LifeVac came from a story that Arthur Lih, founder and CEO of LifeVac, heard of a woman in a hospital weeping following the death of her young son.

The reason for his death was that a grape had become lodged in his windpipe and the Heimlich Maneuver did not work. Once he heard the story he set out to invent an apparatus that could clear an airway.

        Arthur, Dr. Brody, and a few close friends set out to bring LifeVac to the public by establishing a research and development facility located in Springfield Gardens, NY where we are producing the upper airway clearing device in order to bring the safest, simplest method to save an aspirating person. Our goal is to save as many lives as possible throughout the world.

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FDA Registered
MHRA Registered
Registered in Australia ARTG Number 285082
(No Prescription Required)

当サイトは、2018年よりアメリカ在住の日本人に対してのみ販売を開始しております。(アメリカ在住の日本国籍の方は、 利用規約 をお読みくださいますよう、お願いいたします。しかし、2021年より日本からの個人輸入での購入希望が殺到した為【関東信越厚生局】様に相談した結果、特別な内容での個人輸入が可能である事をアドバイスを受け個人輸入を開始しました。個人輸入をご希望の方は 個人輸入利用規約特定商取引法に基づく表記 をよくお読み頂きご承諾いただけた方のみ個人輸入が可能です。 




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